AKPIRG Updates December 2022

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from AKPIRG to you!

AKPIRG Policy and Communications Manager, Robin O'Donoghue (left), ), Executive Director, Veri di Suvero (center right), and Consumer Advocate, Graham Downey (right) met Representative Mary Peltola (center left) during AKPIRG's trip to D.C.

Together, we accomplished some pretty amazing things.

 Thank you for supporting us the year round, and for being with us as we continue to grow and strive towards a more equitable and accountable Alaska with economic fairness, transparent government, fair and healthy energy practices, language access, food access and mutual aid. 

 This year you joined us for workshops, community events, phone banks and participated in a major election cycle. You donated time, energy, money, food, books and lent a few ears. You taught us and learned with us. 

AKPIRG On The Hill

Earlier this month, AKPIRG Executive Director, Veri, and staff Graham & Robin traveled to the East Coast to meet with Alaska's federal delegation in Washington, D.C. to deliver  a letter signed by over 350 Alaskans opposing the Kroger-Albertson's merger.

 Additionally staff discussed language access issues and shared information on predatory debt traps Alaskans are falling into. We look forward to continuing to advocate for Alaskan consumer interests in 2023 and continuing to work with our federal representatives. 

Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage to Hold Payday Debt Jubilee!

Economic fairness is core to MANA's  mission. Average outstanding payday loans are $400 and with each storefront in Anchorage hosting at least 15, we can erase payday loans from Anchorage to Wassila & beyond! 

Can you offer financial support to free your neighbors from the trap of predatory lending?

Give directly to the MANA Payday Jubilee, and help your neighbors get out of debt this holiday season. 

Action Alert: Challenge the FCC’s National Internet Map

We have until January 13th to challenge the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) data, which will be critical in Alaska getting more funding for unserved and underserved populations. There's $42 billion total for broadband from the IIJA funding. Each state will automatically get $100 million, and for most states, the rest of the money will be divided up by where the most un/underserved populations are. 

 Help us challenge the internet map by searching for your address and verifying if the internet map is accurate for your location! Both renters and homeowners can do this for their addresses. 

Good Government Progress Report

A message from our Good Government Director, Andrée McLeod. 

AKPIRG continues to be vigilant as it gears up for the 33rd Legislature. We continue to monitor many administration and legislative public meetings, including AK Personnel Board Meetings, Legislative Council, Legislative Budget & Audit, among others and continue to review various publice documents, including Alaska Public Offices Commission campaign finance, lobbyist and Public Official Financial Disclosure reports.

We also continue to keep track of the administration’s anticipated implementation of the Online Checkbook to make certain ALL state expense transactions are available for public review.

We also monitor the progress of the recent complaint AKPIRG/907 Initiative filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission regarding activities by Gov. Dunleavy, former state employee Brett Huber, RGA, ASA during this recent election cycle.  AKPIRG anticipates legislation related to campaign finance limits and is ready to support bills which empower every individual Alaskan’s voice.

Looking Forward: Volunteer Opportunities!

As we expand our impact, we need our community's help! Below is a list of volunteer opportunities happening in the near future.

  • Language Materials Packing Party! (4 volunteer positions) January 16th 4-7pm in midtown office

    • Volunteers will work with staff to pack boxes of Alaska Native language materials that will be mailed to cities and villages throughout Alaska!

  • AKPIRG is Moving Offices! TBD in January

    • Volunteers will work with staff to pack and move materials from our old office in downtown Anchorage to our new offices. 

  • January Jubilee (2 paid volunteer positions through Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage)

    • Volunteers will receive $250 stipend upon completion of:

      • 1.5 hour training in late December

      • 10 hours admin time throughout January

      • 0.5 hour debrief

      • Volunteers will need access to a cell phone and an internet-connected computer, should be comfortable with computer-based work, and have a compassionate ear.

Please reach out with interest or questions to our Outreach Coordinator, Ashlyn, at Ashlyn@AKPIRG.org!

We are so excited to meet and work with you in the future!


AKPIRG Updates February 2023


AKPIRG Updates November 2022