AKPIRG Updates March 2023

Welcome to Team AKPIRG!

"It’s important that we as Indigenous people are able to shape the world that we live in, to ensure our wellbeing, on our own traditional homelands and in our own languages in order to make the best decisions. I am very excited to continue this work towards fulfilling this need with AKPIRG for our Alaskan Native languages and also other languages spoken across the state, to ensure that we all have access to necessary information and that we create a platform for the importance of inclusion.”


AKPIRG is so delighted to have Rochelle on our team to guide us in our Language Access work. Welcome!

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

A HUGE thank you to our amazing volunteers who helped pack our language materials. Together, they packed hundreds of tote bags, water bottles and berry buckets with messages in 7 different Alaska Native languages about community health and wellness during COVID-19 to be sent to communities all over Alaska. They packed 700 pounds of materials into 40 boxes for 37 community organizations state-wide!

We are so grateful for our volunteers! If you are interested in helping us create healthy, thriving communities in Alaska, check out: 

Anchorage Municipal Election Timeline

We are almost a month away from the Anchorage Municipal Election! Here are the important dates that you need to know leading up to April 4:

The last day to register to vote or update your voter registration in time to participate in this election is MARCH 5, less than a week away! Check in with your friends, family and neighbors to make sure that they are registered before the deadline.

Alaska Energy Transparency Project

Check out this new update from the Alaska Energy Transparency Project on Chugach Electric's new interim director, Bernie Smith:

AETP continues to provide essential coverage of Alaska utilities to the public! Learn more about AETP here.

Alaska Civics Academy

The Alaska Civics Academy is a grassroots civics education course focusing on social justice. They believe that finding solutions to challenges in our communities requires understanding the laws and systems that govern our cities, our state, and our country. 

The Alaska Civics Academy will host a series of learning sessions full of discussions, activities, and case studies, incorporating music, media and art. Participants will finish the course with the necessary knowledge for successful civic engagement. 

Interested in applying to the upcoming Alaska Civic's Academy? Sign up at
standupalaska.org, send an email to shavon@standupalaska.org, or fill out this interest form:


We have merch! Proceeds from each T-shirt and sweatshirt go to funding the work we are doing for a better future for Alaska. It's the coziest way to support AKPIRG! Check out all the colors below. 


AKPIRG Updates May 2023


AKPIRG Updates February 2023